I haven't posted in awhile, so I need to think about what to say! I have to do the overhead in church next week, if anyone is interested. Ummmmm........ I'm playing tennis with my friend. My mom has played it for 30 years, so she is teaching us. We're getting better! We can serve correctly in a real game, keep score, volley correctly....etc. And we don't have to keep chasing the balls!!! Although my mom is annoyed that the balls rolled in some stinky, dirty puddles. She keeps smelling them and wrinkling her nose. Life is pretty much the same here. My dog is barking at other dogs on the block as usual. She thinks she owns the road. I'm doing the library summer reading program. I really wanted to finish the first day or week, like lat year, but my friend pointed out that it IS the SUMMER reading program, not the JUNE reading program. If anybody reads this please just leave a comment. 'Hi' or something would be nice. I want to see how many people actually read my boring blog posts. So, if you drop in, please comment! : )

6/22/2009 11:04:20 am

Hi Katie,
I finally got around to viewing your website and found it quite interesting. Its amazing how open a person can be on a blog that the whole world sees but would die if they had to do lip syncing in public:). We had a wonderful weekend with our grandparents and were able to see our Uncle who lives in Texas. Hope to see you soon.
Your friend,
Eli :)
PS:Bec says "HI".

Katie (author of blog)
6/22/2009 11:11:24 pm

Oh no..... I sense blackmail and teasing........ maybe I should duck for cover!!!! And when you say interesting, I wonder if you mean that in a insulting way? :o) Tell Bec 'hi' for me! I'm glad you had fun in Texas! You'll have to tell me all about it when I see you next!

6/22/2009 11:32:45 pm

Hey, your blogs aren't boring--you just don't post enough :).

I think it's really cool that you've continued doing author interviews (and I get to hold the distinction of being the first one!).

Keep up the good work.

Katie (author of blog)
6/23/2009 12:18:43 am

Thanks! : )

Deanna Y
6/23/2009 12:36:26 pm

I read your blogs....but it is true that you need to post more!

I was mentioned here! that makes me smile :)

Katie (author of blog)
6/26/2009 03:22:30 am

: ) Awww...... You're right, I do need to post more. Any ideas?

7/3/2009 02:59:28 am

Hey, been forever since I've been here. Isn't tennis fun? I've enjoyed the author interviews :)


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