Hi all! My grandma went to the hospital a couple of days ago, because she was short of breathe, like when she had her 2 heart attacks. Now she is out of the hospital, and doing better, praise the Lord! : ) Florida is great, but it was mostly cloudy, rainy, and windy for the past couple of days. Of course, I like that weather, but most people don't! :D It's been fun though, I've been swimming, and I'll be bike riding, and of course, I've been shopping at thrift stores for books and clothes. I have organized my books nicely, and I'm so proud! It's like my own library! Is there any vacation spot that you like to go to? (I forget if I asked this before! Sorry!)

Sorry if the pics. are blurry! Basically, thy are on three sides of a stand.
2/3/2010 06:30:47 am

Glad to see you have Inkheart! I love that series!

2/3/2010 08:24:14 pm

Neat! I like to go vacationing in places you can easily find places to hike up mountains or through fields or places like that! I agree, Inkheart is a really good series with some of the best plots and characters ever!


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