My friend, Josiah DeGraaf wrote this really amazing testimony. He's an author, and has a website on Weebly. Please check it out at:

A man walking up the hill strains underneath the weight of his burden and falls down, unable to carry it.  Another man carries it up for him.  The man is then pierced with nails through the palms of his hands and his feet.  Nailed to a cross, he looks down at the crowd below him and...prays mercy for them.  This is my Lord Jesus Christ on Golgatha on that day.  Stricken, smitten, and afflicted.  Now dying on the cross.  A painful, shameful death on the cross.  Why?  So that those who hate him might be reconciled to him and not live in torment forever more.  This is my God, of whom I serve.  This is my Savior, who died for me.

Josiah DeGraaf
4/22/2009 01:35:42 am

I love this testimony! I wonder why... LOL

Katie (author of blog)
4/22/2009 04:28:14 am

Hmmmmm.... I wonder why too!! : ) Good job by the way! : )

5/12/2009 06:16:43 am

Great interview! I was referred to your site by Kat, your interviewee. You display great journalism skills. Keep at it. I'm a syndicated religion columnist and I enjoyed the content of your website as well. Look me up on and if I can help you further, let me know.

8/6/2010 01:04:39 pm

Smile a little more every day;Have a nice day......

8/19/2010 07:02:24 pm

Wise men learn by others' harm, fools by their own.

9/27/2010 10:35:19 am

Bus driver, please look for me, 'cause I couldn't bear to see what I might see. I'm really still in prison, and my love she holds the key. A simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me free. I wrote and told her please.

11/22/2010 05:14:38 pm

Good, useful weblog, i like it ;

12/24/2010 11:49:01 am

This was an age of innocence and happiness*

12/28/2010 07:29:43 pm

The life without goal is not substantial


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